Highlights dogshows 2023
DKK int.dogshow Fredericia 11.2
3. best dog & 3.best bitch - Starlings Super Trouper/
DKCH JCH DKV19 Raven Marion Astronaut. Judge Leif Leeman, DK
DKCH JCH DKV19 Raven Marion Astronaut 'Sassy'
DKK nordic show Nykøbing falster 7.4
2.best bitch, CC - JCH Starlings Voulez-Vous
judge Bo Skalin, Sweden
CH.Starlings Voulez-Vous 'Pigeon'
SKK Malmø Int.dogshow 8.4
2.best bitch, CC & CACIB
JCH Starlings Voulez-Vous 'Pigeon' . Judge Joakim Ohlsson, Sweden
CH.Starlings Voulez-Vous 'Pigeon'
DKK EDS 19.5
4.best dog in open Class Starlings Hey Jude, Starlings Voulez-Vous Exclent
Starlings Hey Jude ' Morris'
DKK int.dog show Bornholm 24.8
2.best dog res.CC res. CACIB Starlings Hey Jude - 2.best bitch res.CC res. CACIB Starlings Gayla judge Dirk Spruyt, Belgium
DKK int.dogshow Bornholm 25.8 BOS
2.best dog res.CC res.CACIB - Starlings Hey Jude - Best bitch CC, res. CACIB BOS Starlings Gayla judge: Gunnar Nyman, DK
Starlings Gayla 'Gayla'
DKK int.dogshow Vejen 18.8 - BOB & BOS
Best dog, CC and CACIB, BOB Starlings Super Trouper - Best Bitch, CC, CACIB, BOS CH. Starlings Voulez-Vous (DKCH on the day)
Starlings Super Trouper ' Spencer' & DKCH SUCH JCH Starlings Voulez-Vous 'Pigeon' judge Suzana Simon, Croatia
DKK int.dogshow Vejen 19.8 BOS
2.best dog, res.Cc, res.CACIB Starlings Super Trouper, Best bitch, CC, CACIB BOS CH.Starlings Voulez-Vous
CH. Theneican's Well Well BOB - DKCH SUCH JCH Starlings Voulez-Vous BOS
DKK int.dogshow Vejen 20.8 BOB & BOS
Best bitch, CACIB and BOB CH.Starlings Voulez-Vous - Best dog, CC, CACIB and BOS Starlings Super Trouper
Starlings Super Trouper BOS DKCH SUCH JCH Starlings Voulez-Vous BOB judge: Lisbeth Ramsing, DK
DKK (kreds 11) Nordic show 2.9 BOB
Best bitch, CC, nord.CC and BOB Starlings Gayla - DKCH on the day Judge
Zorica Blomqvist
Conny og Gayla på en dejlig dag
DKK int.dogshow Roskilde 23.9 BOB
Best dog, CC, CACIB and BOB, Winner Copenhagen 2023 Starlings Super Trouper 'Spencer' - Danish Champion on the day judge Marcus Gisslen, Sweden