DKCH SUCH KBHV16 Starlings Camelot 'Saga' og KBHV16 Starlings Louie vinder BIR og BIM - bedste han og bedste tæve p/s på DKKs internationale udstilling Københavnsvinder2016 . Hermed er to halvsøskende blevet KØBEHANVNSVINDERE 2016. KBVH16 Starlings Louie sluttede året af med sit 5. certifikat og 3. CACIB på bare 6 udstillinger i år. Han hviler nu på laurbærne til næste år :-)
/ DKCH SUCH KBHV16 Starlings Camelot
'Saga' and KBHV16 Starlings Louie wins BOB and BOS at the international copenhagen Winner show in Ballerup 17.6.16. Two halfsiblings wins the titles of Winner Copenhagen 2016. KBHV16 Starlings Louie has been shown 6 times this year - and has won 5 CC's and
3 CACIBs - 3 x BOB and a BOS, one dog and one dog. Thats rather well done ! He will be back in the showring next year !
DKCH SUCH KBHV16 Starlings Camelot 'Saga' vinder BEDST I RACEN på DKK international Københavnsvinder 17.6.16. Saga er efter INTCH Forsis Salte Ordet Fritt x INTCH Starlings Dizzy Mizz Lizzy / DKCH SUCH KBHV16 Starlings Camelot ' Saga' wins BEST OF BREED at the DKK international Copenhagen Winner show the of June 16. She is after INTCH Forsis Salte Ordet Fritt x INTCH Starlings Dizzy Mizz Lizzy
Starlings Louie - just a snapshot. Has been shown 6 times. Won 3 x BOB, 1 x BOS, 5 x CC, 1 x res.CC, 3 x CACIB, one 2. Best dog and one Dog. Quite a record ! He is after INTCH Kopykats Captain Crunch x INTCH DKCH KBHV13 Starlings Dizzy Mizz Lizzy. Her er Starlings Louie - bare et snapshot. Udstillet 5 gange. Vundet Bedst i Racen 3 gange, vundet 4 certifikater, 1 res.certifikat og 4 CACIBS. Det er da noget at prale af :-)
På DvK specialklubudstilling i Køge den 20.8 vinder Starlings Louie Bedst i Racen og DKCH SCH Starlings Camelot Best i Modsat Køn
/ At the specialityclubshow in Køge the of August
Starlings Louie wins Best of Breed and DKCH SCH Starlings Camelot 'Saga' Best bitch and Best of Opposite
På VDHs Internationale hundeudstilling i Bremen den 30.7.16 vinder Saga - 2.bedste tæve med res. CACIB. / At VDH's international dogshow in Bremen the of July - Saga wins 2nd best bitch - and a res. CACIB
Dansk og Svensk champion Starlings Camelot - Saga - vinder 3.bedste tæve to dage i træk på SKK Varberg 8 og 9 juli. Den 8.7 med res. CACIB. / DKCH SCH Starlings Camelot wins BB3 two days in a row. The first day also a res. CACIB
Den 14.maj vandt Starlings Louie BEDST I RACEN - igen. DKKs kredsudstilling i Køge. Og udtaget i gruppen, hvor han var på en delt 5.plads. / Maj Starlings Louie wins BOB - again - and shortlisted in the group.
Louie has now been shown at four shows winning 3 x CC and 2 x CACIB, and BOB twice. That's quite well done for such a youngster.
Allerede få uger efter var Starlings Louie 'Louie' på banen igen. DKK internationale hundeudstillinger i Roskilde weekdenden 30.4 og 1.5. Første dag placeret som 2.bedste han med CACIB og Certifikat, anden dagen som 3. bedste han med CACIB. At have vundet sine 2 danske CACIB 15. måneder og 2 uger gammel - det er ret flot. / just shortly after the clubshow Louie were shown again. This time at the DKK international doubleshow 30.4 / 1.5. The first day he wins 2.nd. best dog CACIB and CERTIFICATE the next 3.rd. best dog and CACIB. He has now won the 2 Danish CACIBs only 15 months and 2 weeks old. Well done, as the dog has to be 15 months old to win them. :-)
BEDST I RACEN & 2. BEST IN SHOW På sin første udstilling. Det var, hvad Starlings Louie ( INTCH PLCH Kopykats kaptain Crunch x INTCH DKCH KBHV13 Starlings Dizzy Mizz Lizzy) vandt på DvKs specialkubudstilling 9.april 16. DKCH SCH Starlings Camelot vinder 2.bedste tæve / BOB and 2.BIS on his first dogshow only 14 months old, this is what Starlings Louie won on the specialityshow 9.4.16. DKCH SCH Starlings Camelot wins bitch
DKCH SCH Starlings Camelot 'Saga' vinder 2.bedste tæve, svensk certifikat og reserve CACIB på Malmø International 20.3.16 / DKCH SCH Starlings Camelot 'Saga' wins bitch, CC and res. CACIB and the Swedish Championship at the International Dogshow in Malmø 20.3.2016
New Starling champion - no. 36. Starlings Camelot 'Saga' ( INTCH DKV13 NCH NORD.W15 NORDCH SEV-13 KBHV 13 DKKV13 Forsis Salte Ordet Fritt x INTCH DKCH KBHV13 Starlings Dizzy Mizz Lizzy)
På årets første internationle udstilling DKK Fredericia 13.2 vinder Saga det sidste certifiat til titlen Dansk Champion. Saga er kun lige 2 år gammel. / At the first international DKK dogshow of the year - DKK Fredericia 13.02 - Saga wins the last CC for the Danish championship. Just 2 years old, and her first show entered in open class.
This is the ctitique, judge Jochen Eberhardt, Germany ( all rounder judge) copypaste from
Exelent compact bidge, wich moves correctly, exelent feminin head, fine neck - well insulated body - nice topline, maching angulation, moves like a machine. exelent cote and temprement.
Den 4.marts 2016 fik Clara ( INTCH DKCH KBHV13 Starlings Dizzy Mizz Lizzy ) hvalpe efter Trepés Gild Bootstrap. En tæve og to hanner. Alle hvalpe er afsat. / The of March Clara (INTCH DKCH KBHV13 Dizzy Mizz Lizzy) gave birth to 3 puppies - one bitch and 2 dogpuppies after Trepés Gild Bootstrap. We have none for sale :-)